Wednesday, July 18, 2012

WW: Week One, Day Three

So far, so good. I actually cheated this morning and weighed myself again. (WW frowns on that, you're only supposed to WI once a week.) I've actually lost .6 pounds already. Not bad for two days!

I've gone over my points a little everyday, but that's what they give you the weekly allowance for, right? :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Weight Watchers: Week One

Pregnancy High: 234 pounds
Current Weight: 212 pounds
Goal Weight: 160 pounds

Lost So Far: 22 pounds
Weight To Lose: 52 pounds

Good News: I haven't gained any weight.
Bad News: I haven't lost any weight.

I don't really know what I expected since I haven't worked out since I abandoned the ab challenge last week. Apparently I thought the weight would just melt right off while I sat on my rear end watching Doctor Who on Netflix. Well, that didn't work. Hmph.

So, today I signed up for Weight Watchers again. I had a decent amount of success when I did it a few years ago. Because I'm nursing, WW only has me set to lose one pound per week. Any more than that can affect my milk supply.

I'm going to skip the regular exercising for now. I start back to work next week. I'm going to need to pack my lunch and snacks everyday because, since I'll be pumping, I won't have time to go to the cafeteria and eat. So, not only will this (hopefully) shave the pounds off fairly quickly, but it will help me save money, too.

I suppose, to look on the positive side, once I start eating right the weight should just fall off. I've been eating nothing but crap food for the last 6 weeks. Fast food, junk food, soda, etc. Even with all that crap, I've been maintaining my weight steadily for the last 3-4 weeks. I'll cut the crap out and lose some more weight.

The thing that made me get serious? Realizing that when I go back to work next week I'll be wearing maternity clothes. That's embarrassing. Mortifying, even. I have one pair of pants that were my pre-pregnancy "fat jeans." And now they don't even fit.

Today I found body measurements from March 2011. Compared to where I'm at now, they're not that much smaller. But a few inches here and there really add up. I figure this is a good place to chronicle the difference so I can come back and compare in a month and then again in 6 months.

Just a note: I remember that March very clearly. I was 16 pounds away from my goal weight and fighting with those last 16 pounds. I was feeling very dejected and angry with myself for not being able to lose the last 16 pounds. Now, if only I weighed 173. *sigh*

Anyway, here goes (all measurements are in inches, of course):


Weight: 176
Neck: 13.3
Chest: 37
Upper Arm: 12
Fore Arm: 9.8
Waist: 30.5
Hip: 44
Thigh: 25
Calf: 14.8


Weight: 212
Neck: 14
Chest: 42
Upper Arm: 12
Fore Arm: 10
Waist: 35
Hip: 48
Thigh: 27
Calf: 16

It's obvious that the biggest change has been in my chest, waist, and hips. My chest is probably related to the breastfeeding. My waist and hips were affected by the pregnancy and that takes time, I know. The rest is just weight. So, I'm carrying most of my weight around my middle. Once I get back into the swing of things at work I'm going to start some cardio. That should really help with the midsection.

As far as eating goes, I know I eat when I'm stressed or anxious or bored. I'm trying to stop that. The hard part is finding something else to do with my hands when I get the urge to snack. I need a rubberband or something. . . Also, I need to get more calcium in me. Especially with the breastfeeding. I didn't get ANY calcium today aside from the multivitamin I'm about to take. That's not good. Not good for my bones and not good for Alex's bones.

Wish me luck! Here goes nothing! Hopefully I'll have SOME kind of weight decrease to report next Monday.