Wednesday, February 20, 2013

New Scale, Renewed Sense of Pride

Lost So Far: 43.4 pounds
Weight To Lose: 30.6 pounds

I've been doing really well with calorie counting, going to the gym, staying active, making the right food choices, etc. To my dismay, however, the scale wasn't moving. I did notice, however, that my scale was not accurate. If I weighed myself 3 times in a row, the weight would fluctuate up to 5 pounds one way or the other. I decided that it was time to scrap our $20 scale. I purchased this one on Amazon and it arrived yesterday. I weighed myself on the old scale and then immediately on the new scale.

I dropped 7 pounds.

I feel like that is a much more accurate representation of the hard work I've been putting in so I truly feel like I'm doing the right things. I felt really good about my weight this morning so I decided to take some measurements, too. Things are really look good!

In this post I compared my post-baby measurements to my measurements from 6 months before I got pregnant. Today I will compare today with where I was at 1 month postpartum.


Weight: 212
Neck: 14
Chest: 42
Upper Arm: 12
Fore Arm: 10
Waist: 35
Hip: 48
Thigh: 27
Calf: 16


Weight: 190.6
Neck: 14
Chest: 39 (still breastfeeding!)
Upper Arm: 12
Fore Arm: 10
Waist: 34
Hip: 46
Thigh: 25.75
Calf: 15.5

Not bad. Not bad at all.

As you can see from my weight at the top of the post, I've finally gotten over the hump. I have less to lose now than I've already lost. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and I will get there.

I've got a few sources of motivation. I've joined a few DietBets to keep myself accountable. Also, we're going to Vegas in March and I would really like to NOT be in maternity jeans for that. And I promised my husband that if I can get to 175 by our anniversary (July) we'll have a super romantic night out. Or in. (Giggity.)