Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Running Myself Sane

I have a lot of goals for myself when it comes to running. I want to complete 13 5Ks in 2013. I want to run a half marathon. I want to run a marathon. I want to run 5 marathons.

But, first, I have to get better stronger. I wasn't sure how to do that. So, I used the magical Google machine to see what I could dig up.

I found a wonderful app from RunKeeper that allows me to run without thinking too much about distance. It tracks my distance with the GPS capabilities of my phone and interrupts my music occasionally to tell me my mileage, average pace, and current pace. I have it set to update me every five minutes and/or every .75 miles. Since I average about a 13-14 minute mile, that means I'm getting updated at least 2-3 times per mile and it keeps me on track.

RunKeeper also has free training plans for its users to sign up for depending on their needs and goals. Everything from "Running a 5K" to "Running a Marathon" to "Run to Lose Weight" and everything in between. I signed myself up for the "Running a Half Marathon" program and then chose the option "Beginner Half Marathon to Finish." It's a 16 week program that will get me moving enough to run 13.1 miles without dying. I started the program on March 26 and it runs through July 13. The good news? The half marathon that I want to run is in January. So, I have it set to do the beginner program and then jump up to the intermediate one (which lasts 23 weeks).

The real beauty of these programs is that they keep me accountable. I don't like unfinished checklists. RunKeeper tracks whether or not you've stayed true to your plan and, if you miss a workout, that day is red instead of green. That doesn't sit well with me so I'm hoping it helps me to keep it up moving forward.

I'm pretty proud of myself and impressed with my body. Today marks two weeks since I've started the plan and I've already run a total of 33 miles. 10 of those miles were in two different 5 mile sessions. If you would have looked me in the eye two weeks ago and said, "You can run 5 miles without stopping." I would have laughed in your face. But, my schedule said to do it, so I didn't have a choice. So I did it. And it was amazing. This past Sunday I actually ended my 5 mile run at my mom's house. I stretched in her driveway and then went inside and chatted with her while she had her morning coffee. She gave me a ride back home so I could start my day with the kids, but it was a wonderful start to the morning. You'd think that I'd be exhausted after a 5 mile run before breakfast, but it's the exact opposite: I feel so energized and ready to take on the day.

Maybe it's the repetitive motion and the rythym that lets me put all my thoughts in order. Maybe it's the fact that I get an hour to myself without having to worry about my kids being hungry or needing a diaper changed or needing a referee in their argument over who gets to use the blue cup and who gets the green one. . . Whatever it is, it's magical.

My husband has been great, too. I've found that the best times for my run are first thing in the morning before the house is awake. I usually leave the house by about 5:30 am. This means that on my Tuesday and Thursday runs he's getting himself ready for work, our oldest ready for school, and potentially making a bottle for the baby (which our oldest usually feeds to him to help us out, lol). A lot of morning tasks get crammed into the 6 o'clock hour in our house, but he's so supportive. His one request? That I don't let my alarm go off more than once (no snooze!) and for no longer than a minute or so. Just because I'm up at 5:00 am doesn't mean he wants to be. And I completely understand.

So, for now, I run Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday mornings. I eventually want to run daily and just change up the intensity of the runs. Like I said, I have a lot of goals for myself. But, first things first. I have to focus on this 16 weeks plan. I never finish anything that I start. I always start with all the motivation in the world and then I get bored. I refuse to let that happen.

Today was the first day I really had to force myself. I really didn't want to run today. The weather is dreary and overcast and I'm tired and my allergies are making me feel gross. But, I went. And I ran.

And I'm so glad that I did.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

New Scale, Renewed Sense of Pride

Lost So Far: 43.4 pounds
Weight To Lose: 30.6 pounds

I've been doing really well with calorie counting, going to the gym, staying active, making the right food choices, etc. To my dismay, however, the scale wasn't moving. I did notice, however, that my scale was not accurate. If I weighed myself 3 times in a row, the weight would fluctuate up to 5 pounds one way or the other. I decided that it was time to scrap our $20 scale. I purchased this one on Amazon and it arrived yesterday. I weighed myself on the old scale and then immediately on the new scale.

I dropped 7 pounds.

I feel like that is a much more accurate representation of the hard work I've been putting in so I truly feel like I'm doing the right things. I felt really good about my weight this morning so I decided to take some measurements, too. Things are really look good!

In this post I compared my post-baby measurements to my measurements from 6 months before I got pregnant. Today I will compare today with where I was at 1 month postpartum.


Weight: 212
Neck: 14
Chest: 42
Upper Arm: 12
Fore Arm: 10
Waist: 35
Hip: 48
Thigh: 27
Calf: 16


Weight: 190.6
Neck: 14
Chest: 39 (still breastfeeding!)
Upper Arm: 12
Fore Arm: 10
Waist: 34
Hip: 46
Thigh: 25.75
Calf: 15.5

Not bad. Not bad at all.

As you can see from my weight at the top of the post, I've finally gotten over the hump. I have less to lose now than I've already lost. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and I will get there.

I've got a few sources of motivation. I've joined a few DietBets to keep myself accountable. Also, we're going to Vegas in March and I would really like to NOT be in maternity jeans for that. And I promised my husband that if I can get to 175 by our anniversary (July) we'll have a super romantic night out. Or in. (Giggity.)

Monday, January 21, 2013

A Vlog

A lot of people on the internet turn to vlogs to help get their thoughts out there. I do like writing, but I also feel like all of my thoughts get jumbled around in my head and it's so hard to get all of my thoughts out there. So, I decided to try a vlog. Pay no attention to my hair and my crappy makeup. I'm sick today. But I just got a new tablet and really wanted to try it out. So, anyway, here it is!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Back in the Saddle Again. . .Again.

I tried very hard to lose weight and get fit when the baby was 6 weeks old. I counted calories and exercised...and nothing. I don't know what the problem was. I was on postpartum depression medication at the time and I think that may have had something to do with me holding onto weight.

Regardless of the reason, I'm done with the excuses. I've been counting calories for a week now and, I'm happy to report, the weight is coming off. I recently made the decision to stay home from work for awhile, so this should give me more time to get to the gym and even do pilates or yoga at home. In the very least, I won't be chained to a desk all day so I'll be burning more calories.

My goal is to lose 2 pounds per week. To do that, I need a shortage of 1000 calories per day. I calculated my calories with My Fitness Pal but, to be honest, it's just a guess. Ideally, I'd like to find my Body Bugg and calculate how much I really am burning every day. It's so hard to figure out how many calories I'm burning with nursing, too. Blargh.

Anyway, moving on. I'm enrolled in two DietBet challenges. One of them has a pot of about $300. The second is up over $10000. Yes. Ten. Thousand. All I have to do is lose 4% of my body weight in the next 4 weeks and I get my cut. Honestly, even if I get a few dollars more than what I put in, I'll be excited. A win means that my weight is going in the right direction and that's a win.

Roy and I are meeting a few friends in Vegas in March and I would really like to NOT be wearing maternity jeans. It's getting ridiculous. I'm almost 8 months post-partum in maternity jeans. I'm not OK with this. I know that I'll get a huge emotional boost once I get out of the 200s, but I'm going to keep going. Even if I only lose ONE pound per week instead of two, I'll still hit my goal before the end of the year. And that's exciting.

Tomorrow I'm going to try the 30 day ab challenge again. It needs to happen.