Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Personal Ab Challenge: 300/30

Pregnancy High: 234 pounds
Current Weight: 212 pounds
Goal Weight: 160 pounds

Lost So Far: 22 pounds
Weight To Lose: 52 pounds

Through the wonders of Pinterest, I recently stumbled across this page with 300 ab work outs all in one spot. Starting Monday July 9, 2012 I'm going to challenge myself to do these ab workouts every day for 30 days. I need to start somewhere to get myself back down to my goal weight so I may as well start with my abs.

My ultimate goal is to start running and complete the C25K program, too. I want to run a 5K in 2013. Right now, though, it's hard because the baby is so little and I can't get away for much longer than an hour and a half without him needing to eat. Any time I'm away from him without leaving milk I start to worry. Hopefully that will get easier once I go back to work and start pumping more milk. Also, he should start stretching out his feedings soon, too. I know that sounds like a big excuse, but it's a real concern of mine.

So, for the time being, I'm going to focus on abs. I'll worry about the running soon afterwards.

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